Thoughts from Claudia Heacock, Board Chairman

How can it be the end of May already? I’ve been trying to write on Facebook, to keep you updated, but can’t seem to be consistent. Your wonderful response to the Kashesha disaster was amazing. In just over two months the BRAND NEW BRICK SCHOOL was almost finished. The walls are complete, the metal doors and windows have been installed and the metal roof is on. Only wonderful, loving people like you could make this possible.

We do need help now to get back to work on Divine Mercy Primary School. We had to postpone our work there in order to meet the more immediate need at Kashesha. I’m praying several of you reading this will respond as generously as possible to this need.

You are in my prayers, and I know the many, many kids in our schools in Uganda remember you often in their prayers. You are truly their hope for a better future.

Thank You & May God Bless You,

Claudia Heacock