Several very special donors listened to our need to find reliable transportation for Father Justus as he oversees our school building, and ministers to the needs of his 30,000 parishioners in the western portion of the KABALE DIOCESE in Uganda. Father was able to purchase a 2015 Toyota truck with a double cab and very low mileage (only 40,000 miles). THANK YOU SO MUCH to those special people.
Also we have received many very generous donations to our general fund and will soon be starting another new school - this one quite near the boarder of the Congo, but protected by Uganda troops. There are 600 students waiting for this school to be built.
For those of you new to our web site. Building a school is a joint venture between us and the local villagers. They make the bricks and provide labor for the buildings. Some villagers also make desks for the students. Tuition is collected from the families of our students with some help from donors as necessary. Orphans usually need tuition help. Teachers are hired and often paid with our funds when a new school is getting started. Also a lunch program is provided by the villagers with some help from our fund. Other school supplies are purchased with our funds as needed. When the school grows and tuitions become more stable, we are able to give the school buildings to the local parish for them to proudly own and operate. It is definitely a win/win situation with all of us working together.
The school near Our Lady Mother of the Church was opened in February for an estimated 300 students... It is now serving 450 and growing... so we hope to obtain additional funds to add more classrooms there also.
When you send funds to us, we are able to send almost 100% to Uganda. The only additional expense is wiring fees and sometimes stamps, but even the stamps have often been donated. We hope if you are reading this for the first time, you'll consider sending funds through our pay pal account or directly to our post office box: KABALE EDUCATION FUND, P. O. BOX 990, WASHOUGAL, WA 98671. Thank you in advance for your donations.
Claudia Heacock - Board Chairman